Color-blind casting

Non-traditional casting, or integrated casting is the practice of casting, or in some cases blackwashing a role without considering the actor's ethnicity or actively casting non white in most cases, black actors. It derives its name from the medical condition of color blindness. A representative of Actors' Equity has disputed the use of the term "color blind", preferring the definition "non-traditional casting." Non-traditional casting "is defined as the casting of ethnic minority actors in roles where race or ethnicity is not germane."

Color-blind casting

Non-traditional casting, or integrated casting is the practice of casting, or in some cases blackwashing a role without considering the actor's ethnicity or actively casting non white in most cases, black actors. It derives its name from the medical condition of color blindness. A representative of Actors' Equity has disputed the use of the term "color blind", preferring the definition "non-traditional casting." Non-traditional casting "is defined as the casting of ethnic minority actors in roles where race or ethnicity is not germane."