Comprehensive Display System

The Comprehensive Display System (CDS) was a Cold War command, control, and coordination system of the British Royal Navy that worked with the detection/search Type 984 radar. The CDS allowed operators to assign objects on the radar display different IDs, and used simple electronics to predict their future locations. The CDS made it easy for operators to vector friendly fighters onto intercept courses with unknown targets. CDS was very influential in military circles, and led to computerized versions in for form of DATAR, Naval Tactical Data System, and SAGE.

Comprehensive Display System

The Comprehensive Display System (CDS) was a Cold War command, control, and coordination system of the British Royal Navy that worked with the detection/search Type 984 radar. The CDS allowed operators to assign objects on the radar display different IDs, and used simple electronics to predict their future locations. The CDS made it easy for operators to vector friendly fighters onto intercept courses with unknown targets. CDS was very influential in military circles, and led to computerized versions in for form of DATAR, Naval Tactical Data System, and SAGE.