Crazed Fruit

Crazed Fruit (狂った果実 Kurutta kajitsu), also known as Juvenile Jungle, is a 1956 Japanese Sun Tribe film directed by Kō Nakahira. It is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Shintaro Ishihara, the older brother of cast member Yujiro Ishihara, and is about two brothers who fall in love with the same woman and the resulting conflict. The film was controversial upon release because of its depiction of Japanese youth. It would later be known for helping start the Sun Tribe genre.

Crazed Fruit

Crazed Fruit (狂った果実 Kurutta kajitsu), also known as Juvenile Jungle, is a 1956 Japanese Sun Tribe film directed by Kō Nakahira. It is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Shintaro Ishihara, the older brother of cast member Yujiro Ishihara, and is about two brothers who fall in love with the same woman and the resulting conflict. The film was controversial upon release because of its depiction of Japanese youth. It would later be known for helping start the Sun Tribe genre.