Epidendrum adenoglossum

Epidendrum adenoglossum is an orchid known primarily from its type herbarium specimen, Mathews 1073, collected in Peru near Pangoa. When Lindley published the name, he placed the species in the subgenus E. subg. Spathium Lindl. (1841). In 2005, Hágsater & Soto designated this species as the lectotype of E. subg. Spathium Lindl. (1841).

Epidendrum adenoglossum

Epidendrum adenoglossum is an orchid known primarily from its type herbarium specimen, Mathews 1073, collected in Peru near Pangoa. When Lindley published the name, he placed the species in the subgenus E. subg. Spathium Lindl. (1841). In 2005, Hágsater & Soto designated this species as the lectotype of E. subg. Spathium Lindl. (1841).