Epidendrum cornutum

Epidendrum cornutum is the accepted name for a species of Epidendrum native to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela at altitudes of 2.4–3 km. The stem of this epiphyte is covered by close, tubular sheathes which bear bamboo-like (lnarrow, inear-lanceolate, very acute, with a cuniate sessile base) leaves on the upper part of the stem. The foot-long terminal inflorescence emerges from 1—3 large sheathes which completely cover the peduncle, and ends in a densely flowered raceme of fragrant, fleshy, flowers with filiform petals and a deeply three-lobed lip with slightly denticulate margins. The flower color can be white, light yellow, light green, or tan.

Epidendrum cornutum

Epidendrum cornutum is the accepted name for a species of Epidendrum native to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela at altitudes of 2.4–3 km. The stem of this epiphyte is covered by close, tubular sheathes which bear bamboo-like (lnarrow, inear-lanceolate, very acute, with a cuniate sessile base) leaves on the upper part of the stem. The foot-long terminal inflorescence emerges from 1—3 large sheathes which completely cover the peduncle, and ends in a densely flowered raceme of fragrant, fleshy, flowers with filiform petals and a deeply three-lobed lip with slightly denticulate margins. The flower color can be white, light yellow, light green, or tan.