Genesis Survivor Gaiarth

Genesis Survivor Gaiarth (創世機士ガイアース Jeneshisu Sabaibā Gaiāsu) was an anime OVA series produced by AIC and Artmic in 1992. The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian future, chronicling the story of a young man named Ital Del Labard and his partner, the war-roid Zaxon. It was licensed and distributed in North America in 1993 by AnimEigo, an anime subtitling/licensing company. It was released on VHS and Laserdisc with the title "Genesis Surviver Gaiarth". (Note that "Surviver" is spelled with the letter 'e' instead of the customary 'o'.) This title is still one of the publisher's many titles without a DVD release in the United States. There has only been a DVD release of the title in Japan published by Geneon Universal.

Genesis Survivor Gaiarth

Genesis Survivor Gaiarth (創世機士ガイアース Jeneshisu Sabaibā Gaiāsu) was an anime OVA series produced by AIC and Artmic in 1992. The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian future, chronicling the story of a young man named Ital Del Labard and his partner, the war-roid Zaxon. It was licensed and distributed in North America in 1993 by AnimEigo, an anime subtitling/licensing company. It was released on VHS and Laserdisc with the title "Genesis Surviver Gaiarth". (Note that "Surviver" is spelled with the letter 'e' instead of the customary 'o'.) This title is still one of the publisher's many titles without a DVD release in the United States. There has only been a DVD release of the title in Japan published by Geneon Universal.