Mem and Zin

Mam and Zin (Kurdish: Mem û Zîn‎) is a Kurdish classic love story written down 1692 and is considered to be the épopée of Kurdish literature. It is the most important work of Kurdish writer and poet Ahmad Khani (1651-1707). Mam and Zin is based on a true story, laid down from generation to generation through oral tradition. The content is similar to a Romeo and Juliet story. For Kurds, Mam and Zin are symbols of the Kurdish people and Kurdistan, which are separated and cannot come together. The Mem-u Zin Mausoleum in Cizre province has become a tourist attraction.

Mem and Zin

Mam and Zin (Kurdish: Mem û Zîn‎) is a Kurdish classic love story written down 1692 and is considered to be the épopée of Kurdish literature. It is the most important work of Kurdish writer and poet Ahmad Khani (1651-1707). Mam and Zin is based on a true story, laid down from generation to generation through oral tradition. The content is similar to a Romeo and Juliet story. For Kurds, Mam and Zin are symbols of the Kurdish people and Kurdistan, which are separated and cannot come together. The Mem-u Zin Mausoleum in Cizre province has become a tourist attraction.