Modern Food Industries

Modern Food Industries (India) Ltd (MFIL) was set up in 1965 as Modern Bakeries (India) Limited situated at Kazhikundram, Taramani (Near Tidel Park). It was set up under the Colombo plan. It got its present name in 1982. MFIL had bread manufacturing units in 13 cities spread across India. MFIL had also marketed fruit juice concentrate under brand name Rasika in Delhi. MFIL also produced aerated soft drinks under the brand Double Seven. MFIL was a wholly owned Central Government-owned PSU. It was taken over by Hindustan Lever Limited in January 2000. This was the first privatisation of public sector unit by the government of India. Modern Foods had over 40% of the bread market in India.

Modern Food Industries

Modern Food Industries (India) Ltd (MFIL) was set up in 1965 as Modern Bakeries (India) Limited situated at Kazhikundram, Taramani (Near Tidel Park). It was set up under the Colombo plan. It got its present name in 1982. MFIL had bread manufacturing units in 13 cities spread across India. MFIL had also marketed fruit juice concentrate under brand name Rasika in Delhi. MFIL also produced aerated soft drinks under the brand Double Seven. MFIL was a wholly owned Central Government-owned PSU. It was taken over by Hindustan Lever Limited in January 2000. This was the first privatisation of public sector unit by the government of India. Modern Foods had over 40% of the bread market in India.