Pedro Asúa Mendía

Blessed Pedro Asúa Mendía (30 August 1890 – 29 August 1936) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and engineer. He studied under the Jesuits and he trained also as an architect. He graduated in that field in 1915. He worked on schools and houses for religious across Spain where he served as a priest. He was killed in hatred of his faith during the Spanish Civil War. He was beatified on 1 November 2014 in recognition of his murder. Cardinal Angelo Amato - on behalf of Pope Francis - presided over his beatification in Vitoria.

Pedro Asúa Mendía

Blessed Pedro Asúa Mendía (30 August 1890 – 29 August 1936) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and engineer. He studied under the Jesuits and he trained also as an architect. He graduated in that field in 1915. He worked on schools and houses for religious across Spain where he served as a priest. He was killed in hatred of his faith during the Spanish Civil War. He was beatified on 1 November 2014 in recognition of his murder. Cardinal Angelo Amato - on behalf of Pope Francis - presided over his beatification in Vitoria.