Pierrot Lunaire (film)

Pierrot Lunaire is a Canadian/German film, which premiered at the 2014 Berlin Film Festival. Written and directed by Bruce LaBruce as an adaptation of Arnold Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire, the film adds a transgender interpretation to the work, starring Susanne Sachsse as a trans man Pierrot. The film originated as a theatrical production of Pierrot Lunaire, which LaBruce directed for Berlin's Hebbel am Ufer theatre in 2011. The film won a Jury Award from the 2014 Teddy Award jury.

Pierrot Lunaire (film)

Pierrot Lunaire is a Canadian/German film, which premiered at the 2014 Berlin Film Festival. Written and directed by Bruce LaBruce as an adaptation of Arnold Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire, the film adds a transgender interpretation to the work, starring Susanne Sachsse as a trans man Pierrot. The film originated as a theatrical production of Pierrot Lunaire, which LaBruce directed for Berlin's Hebbel am Ufer theatre in 2011. The film won a Jury Award from the 2014 Teddy Award jury.