Port Sinister

Port Sinister (1953), known as Beast of Paradise Isle in the UK is an adventure/science fiction film written by Jack Pollexfen and Aubrey Wisberg and directed by Harold Daniels. The plot synopsis consists of a 17th-century Caribbean city of Port Royal which has been long rumoured to have been visited by pirates rises from the ocean floor. However, when a scientist goes to investigate the incident—and at the same time the local thugs plan to steal the gold—all are attacked by giant crabs living there.

Port Sinister

Port Sinister (1953), known as Beast of Paradise Isle in the UK is an adventure/science fiction film written by Jack Pollexfen and Aubrey Wisberg and directed by Harold Daniels. The plot synopsis consists of a 17th-century Caribbean city of Port Royal which has been long rumoured to have been visited by pirates rises from the ocean floor. However, when a scientist goes to investigate the incident—and at the same time the local thugs plan to steal the gold—all are attacked by giant crabs living there.