River Bugging

The user would normally wear a wetsuit, swim fins and paddle mitts whilst 'bugging'. The swim fins and paddle mitts are the only means of steering and propulsion as no paddle is carried on a river bug. Bugging is done 'feet first' which helps the user push off rocks etc. whilst navigating the rapids of a river. The river bug was inspired by the desire to improve on the practice of descending a river on an inner tube. River bugs are also now being used for other activities such as bugpolo a sport similar to water polo

River Bugging

The user would normally wear a wetsuit, swim fins and paddle mitts whilst 'bugging'. The swim fins and paddle mitts are the only means of steering and propulsion as no paddle is carried on a river bug. Bugging is done 'feet first' which helps the user push off rocks etc. whilst navigating the rapids of a river. The river bug was inspired by the desire to improve on the practice of descending a river on an inner tube. River bugs are also now being used for other activities such as bugpolo a sport similar to water polo