Searching (horse)

Searching was a racehorse. Searching was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1978, five years after her death. The filly was born in 1952 at Claiborne Farm near Paris, Kentucky where the Wheatley Stable (founded in 1926 by Gladys Mills Phipps and her brother, Ogden L. Mills) bred and raised its horses. After the Second World War, Gladys's son Ogden Phipps purchased a number of horses from the estate of Colonel Edward R. Bradley and his Idle Hour Stock Farm. Among them was the good racing mare Big Hurry.

Searching (horse)

Searching was a racehorse. Searching was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1978, five years after her death. The filly was born in 1952 at Claiborne Farm near Paris, Kentucky where the Wheatley Stable (founded in 1926 by Gladys Mills Phipps and her brother, Ogden L. Mills) bred and raised its horses. After the Second World War, Gladys's son Ogden Phipps purchased a number of horses from the estate of Colonel Edward R. Bradley and his Idle Hour Stock Farm. Among them was the good racing mare Big Hurry.