Unitarian Candidacy of Workers

The Unitarian Candidacy of Workers (Spanish: Candidatura Unitaria de Trabajadores, CUT) is a libertarian communist and Andalusian nationalist party in Andalusia, Spain. Founded in 1979 with the name Collective for the Unity of Workers – Andalusian Left Bloc (Colectivo de Unidad de los Trabajadores-Bloque Andaluz de Izquierdas, CUT-BAI), it forms part of the coalition United Left, which contains left-wing Spanish parties supporting the country's withdrawal from NATO. CUT current leader is Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, mayor of Marinaleda, Seville.

Unitarian Candidacy of Workers

The Unitarian Candidacy of Workers (Spanish: Candidatura Unitaria de Trabajadores, CUT) is a libertarian communist and Andalusian nationalist party in Andalusia, Spain. Founded in 1979 with the name Collective for the Unity of Workers – Andalusian Left Bloc (Colectivo de Unidad de los Trabajadores-Bloque Andaluz de Izquierdas, CUT-BAI), it forms part of the coalition United Left, which contains left-wing Spanish parties supporting the country's withdrawal from NATO. CUT current leader is Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, mayor of Marinaleda, Seville.