
Wikidot Inc. is a Polish wiki hosting corporation which owns, operates and supports the community of wiki-based web projects at, a social networking service and wiki hosting service (or wiki farm), developed in Toruń, Poland. was launched on August 1, 2006 and in 2009 it was the world's third-largest wiki farm, with 570,000 users running 150,000 sites with 5.6 million pages of user-created content (as of September 24, 2010). grows by about 900-1,000 new users each day. roughly doubled in size during 2011. Following their migration to Amazon Web Services in September 2012, Wikidot became a finalist and first prize winner in the AWS Global Start-Up Challenge of 2012 under the category of Consumer Applications. Wikidot Inc. released


Wikidot Inc. is a Polish wiki hosting corporation which owns, operates and supports the community of wiki-based web projects at, a social networking service and wiki hosting service (or wiki farm), developed in Toruń, Poland. was launched on August 1, 2006 and in 2009 it was the world's third-largest wiki farm, with 570,000 users running 150,000 sites with 5.6 million pages of user-created content (as of September 24, 2010). grows by about 900-1,000 new users each day. roughly doubled in size during 2011. Following their migration to Amazon Web Services in September 2012, Wikidot became a finalist and first prize winner in the AWS Global Start-Up Challenge of 2012 under the category of Consumer Applications. Wikidot Inc. released