Yeshiva World News

Yeshiva World News (YWN), is an Orthodox Jewish online news publication. It also has multiple services catering to Jews all over the world. Yeshiva World News started as a news aggregation blog. It has since grown to an independent news source with freelance reporters and photographers in addition to continuing as a news aggregator. It is known for providing news of interest to the Orthodox Jewish community. Its web page header says "Frum Jewish News" (frum is the Yiddish term for a religiously observant Jew).

Yeshiva World News

Yeshiva World News (YWN), is an Orthodox Jewish online news publication. It also has multiple services catering to Jews all over the world. Yeshiva World News started as a news aggregation blog. It has since grown to an independent news source with freelance reporters and photographers in addition to continuing as a news aggregator. It is known for providing news of interest to the Orthodox Jewish community. Its web page header says "Frum Jewish News" (frum is the Yiddish term for a religiously observant Jew).