
For a CDM project activity (non-A/R) or CPA (non-A/R), the significant anthropogenic GHG emissions by sources under the control of the project participant that are reasonably attributable to the CDM project activity or CPA, as determined in accordance with the CDM rules and requirements. For an A/R or SSC A/R CDM project activity or CPA (A/R), geographically delineates the A/R or SSC A/R CDM project activity or CPA (A/R) under the control of the project participant as determined in accordance with the CDM rules and requirements.


For a CDM project activity (non-A/R) or CPA (non-A/R), the significant anthropogenic GHG emissions by sources under the control of the project participant that are reasonably attributable to the CDM project activity or CPA, as determined in accordance with the CDM rules and requirements. For an A/R or SSC A/R CDM project activity or CPA (A/R), geographically delineates the A/R or SSC A/R CDM project activity or CPA (A/R) under the control of the project participant as determined in accordance with the CDM rules and requirements.