Summer Dress of Printed Fabric

Typical of fashion in the 1830s is the so-called leg-ofmutton or gigot sleeve, puffing just below the shoulder and fitting closely around the forearms. This dress was probably worn, and also possibly made by the seamstress Anna Maria van den Bijllardt. It is crafted with utmost skill, and subtly decorated with fine pleats and piping made of the same fabric at the seams.

Summer Dress of Printed Fabric

Typical of fashion in the 1830s is the so-called leg-ofmutton or gigot sleeve, puffing just below the shoulder and fitting closely around the forearms. This dress was probably worn, and also possibly made by the seamstress Anna Maria van den Bijllardt. It is crafted with utmost skill, and subtly decorated with fine pleats and piping made of the same fabric at the seams.