102nd Battalion, CEF

The 102nd Battalion recruited in Northern British Columbia and was mobilized at Comox, on Vancouver Island. The 102nd Battalion had four Officers Commanding: * Lt.-Col. J.W. Warden, DSO, 18 June 1916-11 January 1918 * Lt.-Col. F. Lister, CMG, DSO, MC, 11 January 1918-27 September 1918 * Lt.-Col. E.J.W. Ryan, DSO, 28 September 1918-19 November 1918 * Lt.-Col. F. Lister, CMG, DSO, MC, 19 November 1918-DemobilizationOne member of the 102nd Battalion, Lt. Graham Thomson Lyall was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on 27 September 1918 North of Cambrai, France, during the Battle of the Canal Du Nord.

102nd Battalion, CEF

The 102nd Battalion recruited in Northern British Columbia and was mobilized at Comox, on Vancouver Island. The 102nd Battalion had four Officers Commanding: * Lt.-Col. J.W. Warden, DSO, 18 June 1916-11 January 1918 * Lt.-Col. F. Lister, CMG, DSO, MC, 11 January 1918-27 September 1918 * Lt.-Col. E.J.W. Ryan, DSO, 28 September 1918-19 November 1918 * Lt.-Col. F. Lister, CMG, DSO, MC, 19 November 1918-DemobilizationOne member of the 102nd Battalion, Lt. Graham Thomson Lyall was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on 27 September 1918 North of Cambrai, France, during the Battle of the Canal Du Nord.