1172 Äneas

1172 Äneas is a large 143 km L5 Jupiter Trojan. It was discovered by Karl Wilhelm Reinmuth at the Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl in Heidelberg, Germany, on October 17, 1930. Its provisional designation was 1930 UA. It is named after Aeneas, a mythological Trojan prince. Based on IRAS data, Äneas is 143 km in diameter and is the 4th largest Jupiter Trojan. Photometric observations of this asteroid during 1993 were used to build a light curve showing a rotation period of 8.708 ± 0.009 hours with a brightness variation of 0.27 ± 0.01 magnitude.

1172 Äneas

1172 Äneas is a large 143 km L5 Jupiter Trojan. It was discovered by Karl Wilhelm Reinmuth at the Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl in Heidelberg, Germany, on October 17, 1930. Its provisional designation was 1930 UA. It is named after Aeneas, a mythological Trojan prince. Based on IRAS data, Äneas is 143 km in diameter and is the 4th largest Jupiter Trojan. Photometric observations of this asteroid during 1993 were used to build a light curve showing a rotation period of 8.708 ± 0.009 hours with a brightness variation of 0.27 ± 0.01 magnitude.