148 Gallia

148 Gallia (as Greek Γαλλία) is a large main-belt asteroid that is named after the Latin name for France: Gaul. Gallia was discovered by the French brothers Paul Henry and Prosper Henry on August 7, 1875, but the credit for this discovery was given to Prosper. Based upon its spectrum, this is a GU-type asteroid in the Tholen classification taxonomy, while Bus and Binzel (2002) categorize it as an S-type asteroid.

148 Gallia

148 Gallia (as Greek Γαλλία) is a large main-belt asteroid that is named after the Latin name for France: Gaul. Gallia was discovered by the French brothers Paul Henry and Prosper Henry on August 7, 1875, but the credit for this discovery was given to Prosper. Based upon its spectrum, this is a GU-type asteroid in the Tholen classification taxonomy, while Bus and Binzel (2002) categorize it as an S-type asteroid.