1 Parachute Battalion

1 Parachute Battalion (Ex Alto Vincimus) is the only full-time paratroop unit of the South African Army. It was established on 1 April 1961 with the formation of the Parachute Battalion. After 1998 this unit was renamed to Parachute Training Centre. It was the first battalion within 44 Parachute Brigade until 1999 when the brigade was downsized to 44 Parachute Regiment The unit's nickname "Parabat" is a portmanteau derived from the words "Parachute Battalion".

1 Parachute Battalion

1 Parachute Battalion (Ex Alto Vincimus) is the only full-time paratroop unit of the South African Army. It was established on 1 April 1961 with the formation of the Parachute Battalion. After 1998 this unit was renamed to Parachute Training Centre. It was the first battalion within 44 Parachute Brigade until 1999 when the brigade was downsized to 44 Parachute Regiment The unit's nickname "Parabat" is a portmanteau derived from the words "Parachute Battalion".