24seven (company)

24seven, or 24seven Utility Services Ltd. was a utility management company that served over 5 million homes with electricity in the early part of the 21st century. The company was created in 2000 to manage the electricity distribution networks in London and Eastern areas of the United Kingdom, by its parent companies, London Electricity and TXU Europe. The company was formed in response to tough price controls laid out by the UK energy regulator, OFGEM. It was believed that bringing the management of rival power networks under a single organization would yield economies of scale for its two shareholders. The company had ambitions to run other utilities including water and gas networks. Whilst these ambitions remained largely unfulfilled, it is worth noting that some of the Directors and ma

24seven (company)

24seven, or 24seven Utility Services Ltd. was a utility management company that served over 5 million homes with electricity in the early part of the 21st century. The company was created in 2000 to manage the electricity distribution networks in London and Eastern areas of the United Kingdom, by its parent companies, London Electricity and TXU Europe. The company was formed in response to tough price controls laid out by the UK energy regulator, OFGEM. It was believed that bringing the management of rival power networks under a single organization would yield economies of scale for its two shareholders. The company had ambitions to run other utilities including water and gas networks. Whilst these ambitions remained largely unfulfilled, it is worth noting that some of the Directors and ma