2nd Mountain Brigade (Poland)

2nd Mountain Brigade (2. Brygada Gorska) was a unit of the Polish Army, which took part in the Polish September Campaign. Commanded by Colonel Aleksander Stawarz, it was part of Operational Group "Jasło" of Army Karpaty. Its purpose was to defend an 80-kilometer section of Polish-Slovakian border, from Czorsztyn to the Beskid Mountain Pass. Facing the Poles to the south, in Slovakia, were two German Mountain Divisions and one Slovakian division, which would attack north, along valleys of the Dunajec and the Biała rivers.

2nd Mountain Brigade (Poland)

2nd Mountain Brigade (2. Brygada Gorska) was a unit of the Polish Army, which took part in the Polish September Campaign. Commanded by Colonel Aleksander Stawarz, it was part of Operational Group "Jasło" of Army Karpaty. Its purpose was to defend an 80-kilometer section of Polish-Slovakian border, from Czorsztyn to the Beskid Mountain Pass. Facing the Poles to the south, in Slovakia, were two German Mountain Divisions and one Slovakian division, which would attack north, along valleys of the Dunajec and the Biała rivers.