35th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron

The 35th Aeromedical Squadron was an aeromedical evacuation unit assigned to Air Force Reserve Command. The unit was stationed at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama and assigned to the 908th Airlift Wing. The 35th mission was to recruit, organize and train Air Force reservists for active duty in time of war, national emergency or when otherwise required. When mobilized, the mission of the 35th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron was to provide in-flight medical care to the sick and wounded.

35th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron

The 35th Aeromedical Squadron was an aeromedical evacuation unit assigned to Air Force Reserve Command. The unit was stationed at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama and assigned to the 908th Airlift Wing. The 35th mission was to recruit, organize and train Air Force reservists for active duty in time of war, national emergency or when otherwise required. When mobilized, the mission of the 35th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron was to provide in-flight medical care to the sick and wounded.