54th Group Army

The 54th Group Army is one of three People's Liberation Army group armies assigned to the Jinan Military Region. In 1959, it participated in Tibet insurgency operations. It participated in the Sino-Indian War of 1962. In 1979, he participated in the Sino-Vietnamese War along the West battle line. At that time the 127th division commander was Zhang Wannian, later the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission. The 127th division captured the town of Lang Son, defeated the Vietnamese army main force. In 1985, the 54th Army reorganized into one of the People's Liberation Army's three rapid response armies (the other two for the 38th Army and the 39th Army), which belongs to the strategic reserve forces. Troops from the army were deployed into Beijing in June 1989 and participated in the

54th Group Army

The 54th Group Army is one of three People's Liberation Army group armies assigned to the Jinan Military Region. In 1959, it participated in Tibet insurgency operations. It participated in the Sino-Indian War of 1962. In 1979, he participated in the Sino-Vietnamese War along the West battle line. At that time the 127th division commander was Zhang Wannian, later the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission. The 127th division captured the town of Lang Son, defeated the Vietnamese army main force. In 1985, the 54th Army reorganized into one of the People's Liberation Army's three rapid response armies (the other two for the 38th Army and the 39th Army), which belongs to the strategic reserve forces. Troops from the army were deployed into Beijing in June 1989 and participated in the