
8chan, also called Infinitechan, is an English-language imageboard website composed of user-created boards. Each board is moderated by its respective creator, with minimal interaction from other site administration. The site allows any content to be posted, so long as it adheres to United States law. Several of the site's boards have played an active role in the Gamergate controversy, encouraging Gamergate affiliates to frequent 8chan after the topic was banned on the unaffiliated imageboard 4chan.


8chan, also called Infinitechan, is an English-language imageboard website composed of user-created boards. Each board is moderated by its respective creator, with minimal interaction from other site administration. The site allows any content to be posted, so long as it adheres to United States law. Several of the site's boards have played an active role in the Gamergate controversy, encouraging Gamergate affiliates to frequent 8chan after the topic was banned on the unaffiliated imageboard 4chan.