A Horseman Riding By

A Horseman Riding By is a 1966 novel by R. F. Delderfield that starts in 1902 at the tail end of the Boer War and is continued in the sequel to end in the summer of 1965. It is set in Devon in the early 20th century. It was to some extent an elegy for the traditional society which was blown apart by the First World War. Delderfield wrote at least one sequel, some accounts describe it as part of a trilogy, but this may be due to confusion because it was published in two parts in the USA.

A Horseman Riding By

A Horseman Riding By is a 1966 novel by R. F. Delderfield that starts in 1902 at the tail end of the Boer War and is continued in the sequel to end in the summer of 1965. It is set in Devon in the early 20th century. It was to some extent an elegy for the traditional society which was blown apart by the First World War. Delderfield wrote at least one sequel, some accounts describe it as part of a trilogy, but this may be due to confusion because it was published in two parts in the USA.