Acacia howittii

Acacia howittii, commonly known as sticky wattle or Howitt's wattle, is a tree species that is endemic to Victoria, Australia. It has an erect or spreading habit, growing up to 9 metres high, The phyllodes are up to 2 cm in length. The globular pale-yellow flowerheads appear in the leaf axils in October (in Australia), followed by straight seedpods that are up to 6 cm long Although regarded as a rare species, it is commonly cultivated, and has become naturalised in areas outside its original range.

Acacia howittii

Acacia howittii, commonly known as sticky wattle or Howitt's wattle, is a tree species that is endemic to Victoria, Australia. It has an erect or spreading habit, growing up to 9 metres high, The phyllodes are up to 2 cm in length. The globular pale-yellow flowerheads appear in the leaf axils in October (in Australia), followed by straight seedpods that are up to 6 cm long Although regarded as a rare species, it is commonly cultivated, and has become naturalised in areas outside its original range.