Afternoon Film Festival

Afternoon Film Festival was a series of British theatrical feature-films aired by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) television network from January 1956 to the summer of 1957 each weekday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm (EST). This anthology was the first (and probably the only) instance of a major over-the-air (non-cable) American television network broadcasting a package of theatrical movies as part of its Monday-through-Friday daytime television programming. Consisting mostly of films from the 1940s and early 1950s, Afternoon Film Festival was actually an offshoot from ABC's prime-time movie series Famous Film Festival, which began in the fall of 1955 on Sunday evenings and featured a package of 35 British titles leased from J. Arthur Rank Film Distributors in England at a cost of $45,700 ea

Afternoon Film Festival

Afternoon Film Festival was a series of British theatrical feature-films aired by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) television network from January 1956 to the summer of 1957 each weekday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm (EST). This anthology was the first (and probably the only) instance of a major over-the-air (non-cable) American television network broadcasting a package of theatrical movies as part of its Monday-through-Friday daytime television programming. Consisting mostly of films from the 1940s and early 1950s, Afternoon Film Festival was actually an offshoot from ABC's prime-time movie series Famous Film Festival, which began in the fall of 1955 on Sunday evenings and featured a package of 35 British titles leased from J. Arthur Rank Film Distributors in England at a cost of $45,700 ea