Albertine (Krohg novel)

Albertine is a novel written in 1886 by Norwegian painter and writer Christian Krohg. The novel is set in Norway's capital, Christiania, and deals with the life of the unmarried seamstress Albertine, who is eventually forced into prostitution due to the social system of the time. The book was confiscated shortly after its publication. In 1888 the Supreme Court of Norway upheld the confiscation, and Krohg was sentenced to pay a fine of NOK 100. Krohg also made several paintings based on the "Albertine" motif, including Trett in 1885 and Albertine i politilægens venteværelse in 1887.

Albertine (Krohg novel)

Albertine is a novel written in 1886 by Norwegian painter and writer Christian Krohg. The novel is set in Norway's capital, Christiania, and deals with the life of the unmarried seamstress Albertine, who is eventually forced into prostitution due to the social system of the time. The book was confiscated shortly after its publication. In 1888 the Supreme Court of Norway upheld the confiscation, and Krohg was sentenced to pay a fine of NOK 100. Krohg also made several paintings based on the "Albertine" motif, including Trett in 1885 and Albertine i politilægens venteværelse in 1887.