Alchemy Boulders

Alchemy Boulders (Pvt.) Ltd, established in 1996, is the largest and leading quartz mining, processing and export company in Sri Lanka. The firm is in the operations of mining and mineral processing. Founded by Zuhuree Rauf, Alchemy is headquartered in Kandy, Sri Lanka (with branch offices in Singapore, South Korea and Japan). Sri Lanka has a rich source of quartz. Vein quartz deposits of over 99.98% purity are found in the central highlands of the island. Currently, Alchemy is the sole authorised quartz processing firm in Sri Lanka.

Alchemy Boulders

Alchemy Boulders (Pvt.) Ltd, established in 1996, is the largest and leading quartz mining, processing and export company in Sri Lanka. The firm is in the operations of mining and mineral processing. Founded by Zuhuree Rauf, Alchemy is headquartered in Kandy, Sri Lanka (with branch offices in Singapore, South Korea and Japan). Sri Lanka has a rich source of quartz. Vein quartz deposits of over 99.98% purity are found in the central highlands of the island. Currently, Alchemy is the sole authorised quartz processing firm in Sri Lanka.