Alice Cooper discography

The discography of American rock artist Alice Cooper consists of 26 studio albums, 46 singles, 10 live albums, 21 compilation albums, 12 video releases, and an audiobook. Six of his studio albums have achieved platinum in the United States and two more have achieved gold. His first official release was Pretties for You (1969), while his latest studio album release was Welcome 2 My Nightmare (2011).

Alice Cooper discography

The discography of American rock artist Alice Cooper consists of 26 studio albums, 46 singles, 10 live albums, 21 compilation albums, 12 video releases, and an audiobook. Six of his studio albums have achieved platinum in the United States and two more have achieved gold. His first official release was Pretties for You (1969), while his latest studio album release was Welcome 2 My Nightmare (2011).