
The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies that reject mainstream conservatism in the United States. It is largely Internet-based and found on websites such as 4chan, where anonymous members create and use Internet memes to express themselves. It is difficult to tell how much of what people write is serious, and how much is intended to provoke outrage. The alt-right uses social media like Twitter to convey their message. Generally alt-right postings support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and oppose immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness.


The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies that reject mainstream conservatism in the United States. It is largely Internet-based and found on websites such as 4chan, where anonymous members create and use Internet memes to express themselves. It is difficult to tell how much of what people write is serious, and how much is intended to provoke outrage. The alt-right uses social media like Twitter to convey their message. Generally alt-right postings support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and oppose immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness.