Amantes Sunt Amentes

Amantes Sunt Amentes (Latin for Lovers Are Lunatics), is the fourth studio album by the Mexican Avanzada Regia rock band Panda, released on October 2, 2006. The first single is called "Narcisista por Excelencia" and the video premiered on MTV. The second single was "Los Malaventurados No Lloran" proceeded by "Procedimientos para Llegar a un Común Acuerdo". The last track, "¡Ah Pero Cómo Vendo Cassettes!", is the band's response to the Anti-Pandas (groups against the band), claiming they aren't affected by their hate and that their disruptive claims just makes them more famous in the industry.

Amantes Sunt Amentes

Amantes Sunt Amentes (Latin for Lovers Are Lunatics), is the fourth studio album by the Mexican Avanzada Regia rock band Panda, released on October 2, 2006. The first single is called "Narcisista por Excelencia" and the video premiered on MTV. The second single was "Los Malaventurados No Lloran" proceeded by "Procedimientos para Llegar a un Común Acuerdo". The last track, "¡Ah Pero Cómo Vendo Cassettes!", is the band's response to the Anti-Pandas (groups against the band), claiming they aren't affected by their hate and that their disruptive claims just makes them more famous in the industry.