American Handgunner

American Handgunner is a magazine dedicated to handguns, handgun hunting, competition shooting, reloading, tactical knives and other shooting-related activities in the United States. It is a sister publication to Guns and American Cop Staff writers for American Handgunner include Massad Ayoob, John Taffin, Mike Venturino, Pat Covert, Clint Smith, and J. D. Jones.

American Handgunner

American Handgunner is a magazine dedicated to handguns, handgun hunting, competition shooting, reloading, tactical knives and other shooting-related activities in the United States. It is a sister publication to Guns and American Cop Staff writers for American Handgunner include Massad Ayoob, John Taffin, Mike Venturino, Pat Covert, Clint Smith, and J. D. Jones.