Apio Verde

Apio verde is 2013 Chilean thriller film written and directed by Francesc Morales, starring Catherine Mazoyer, Cristian Gajardo, Catalina Aguayo, Sonia Mena, Teresita Reyes, Alejandro Trejo, Gregory Cohen, Jenny Cavallo, Carolina Paulsen, among others. The film focuses on how a normal woman is turned into a psychotic as she's told the child she's expecting has anencephaly, a disease that won't allow him to live once he's born. As she lives in Chile, one of the few countries where therapeutic abortion is illegal in any situation, she must wait until the natural birth. The film was released in Chile in July 2013.

Apio Verde

Apio verde is 2013 Chilean thriller film written and directed by Francesc Morales, starring Catherine Mazoyer, Cristian Gajardo, Catalina Aguayo, Sonia Mena, Teresita Reyes, Alejandro Trejo, Gregory Cohen, Jenny Cavallo, Carolina Paulsen, among others. The film focuses on how a normal woman is turned into a psychotic as she's told the child she's expecting has anencephaly, a disease that won't allow him to live once he's born. As she lives in Chile, one of the few countries where therapeutic abortion is illegal in any situation, she must wait until the natural birth. The film was released in Chile in July 2013.