
Aptenia is a small genus of flowering plants in the family Aizoaceae. They are native to southern Africa. The genus name is from the Greek a- (not) and ptenos (winged), and refers to the wingless fruit capsules. In 2007, this genus and several others were transferred into Mesembryanthemum. Two years later other authors proposed that this move be reversed. There are 4 species: * Aptenia cordifolia – heart-leaf iceplant, baby sun-rose * Aptenia geniculiflora * Aptenia haeckeliana * Aptenia lancifolia


Aptenia is a small genus of flowering plants in the family Aizoaceae. They are native to southern Africa. The genus name is from the Greek a- (not) and ptenos (winged), and refers to the wingless fruit capsules. In 2007, this genus and several others were transferred into Mesembryanthemum. Two years later other authors proposed that this move be reversed. There are 4 species: * Aptenia cordifolia – heart-leaf iceplant, baby sun-rose * Aptenia geniculiflora * Aptenia haeckeliana * Aptenia lancifolia