
In Hindu theology, Arishadvarga are the six passions of mind or desire: kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobh (greed), moha (attachment), mada or ahankar (pride) and matsarya (jealousy); the negative characteristics of which prevent man from attaining moksha or salvation. These are the fundamental tenets of Kali Yuga. The more each individual fights them, the longer will be the life of dying Dharma in this yuga. According to the Hindu scriptures, Kama and krodha or lust and anger are responsible for all kinds of difficult experiences which we have in our lives.


In Hindu theology, Arishadvarga are the six passions of mind or desire: kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobh (greed), moha (attachment), mada or ahankar (pride) and matsarya (jealousy); the negative characteristics of which prevent man from attaining moksha or salvation. These are the fundamental tenets of Kali Yuga. The more each individual fights them, the longer will be the life of dying Dharma in this yuga. According to the Hindu scriptures, Kama and krodha or lust and anger are responsible for all kinds of difficult experiences which we have in our lives.