Armchair warrior

Armchair warrior is a pejorative term that alludes to fighting from the comfort of one’s living room. It describes activities such as speaking out in support of a war, battle, or fight by someone with little or no military experience. Typical "armchair warrior" activities include advocating sending troops to settle a conflict, lobbying to keep defense jobs to make outdated military equipment as part of the military industrial complex or to make political messages on radio or television talk shows in favor or using armed forces in a conflict over trying diplomatic channels.

Armchair warrior

Armchair warrior is a pejorative term that alludes to fighting from the comfort of one’s living room. It describes activities such as speaking out in support of a war, battle, or fight by someone with little or no military experience. Typical "armchair warrior" activities include advocating sending troops to settle a conflict, lobbying to keep defense jobs to make outdated military equipment as part of the military industrial complex or to make political messages on radio or television talk shows in favor or using armed forces in a conflict over trying diplomatic channels.