
Ash-Shabibah (Arabic: الشبيبة‎‎, 'The Youth') was a communist daily newspaper published from Mosul, Iraq. Ash-Shabibah was closed down by the authorities in October 1960, as part of a government clamp-down on the communist press. As of December 1960 there were reports that the editor of ash-Shabibah, Lt. Colonel Ahmad al-Hajj Ayyub, was facing trial for having defended (in an article in ash-Shabibah) the persons convicted by a military court for the Kirkuk events.


Ash-Shabibah (Arabic: الشبيبة‎‎, 'The Youth') was a communist daily newspaper published from Mosul, Iraq. Ash-Shabibah was closed down by the authorities in October 1960, as part of a government clamp-down on the communist press. As of December 1960 there were reports that the editor of ash-Shabibah, Lt. Colonel Ahmad al-Hajj Ayyub, was facing trial for having defended (in an article in ash-Shabibah) the persons convicted by a military court for the Kirkuk events.