Asp (fish)

The asp (Aspius aspius) is a European freshwater fish of the Cyprinid family. It is protected by the Bern Convention of endangered species and habitats (Appendix III). Asps are also on the IUCN Red List of endangered species. Another species of asp (Aspius vorax) is found in abundance in the lakes and canals in what is now known as Camp Victory Base Complex near Baghdad International Airport. The asp is not believed to be native to this region, but was imported to improve sport fishing opportunities for the prewar ruling political party. * Eggs from asp * * Aspius vorax

Asp (fish)

The asp (Aspius aspius) is a European freshwater fish of the Cyprinid family. It is protected by the Bern Convention of endangered species and habitats (Appendix III). Asps are also on the IUCN Red List of endangered species. Another species of asp (Aspius vorax) is found in abundance in the lakes and canals in what is now known as Camp Victory Base Complex near Baghdad International Airport. The asp is not believed to be native to this region, but was imported to improve sport fishing opportunities for the prewar ruling political party. * Eggs from asp * * Aspius vorax