Auburndale High School

Auburndale High School is a four-year public high school located in Auburndale, Florida, a city of 14,033 (2012 U.S. Census estimate). The school serves about 1,550 students from ninth through twelfth grades. The minority rate is 37% and the free/reduced lunch rate is 49%. The school operates on a 7 period a day bell schedule, allowing for 48 minute classes with 8 minutes of passing time. Graduations are held on the football field on campus yearly. In 2012, construction was completed on a new media center, added parking, centrally-located cafeteria, and new academic buildings.

Auburndale High School

Auburndale High School is a four-year public high school located in Auburndale, Florida, a city of 14,033 (2012 U.S. Census estimate). The school serves about 1,550 students from ninth through twelfth grades. The minority rate is 37% and the free/reduced lunch rate is 49%. The school operates on a 7 period a day bell schedule, allowing for 48 minute classes with 8 minutes of passing time. Graduations are held on the football field on campus yearly. In 2012, construction was completed on a new media center, added parking, centrally-located cafeteria, and new academic buildings.