Australian Pay and Classification Scales

The Workplace Relations Amendement (Workchoices) Act 2005, commonly known as WorkChoices, significantly amended the Workplace Relations Act 1996. WorkChoices removed wage rates from Federal Awards and Notional Agreements Preserving State Awards (NAPSAs). On 27 March 2007, for employees covered by the WorkChoices system, notional Australian Pay and Classification Scales (Payscales) were established.

Australian Pay and Classification Scales

The Workplace Relations Amendement (Workchoices) Act 2005, commonly known as WorkChoices, significantly amended the Workplace Relations Act 1996. WorkChoices removed wage rates from Federal Awards and Notional Agreements Preserving State Awards (NAPSAs). On 27 March 2007, for employees covered by the WorkChoices system, notional Australian Pay and Classification Scales (Payscales) were established.