Avicennia alba

Avicennia alba is a species of tropical mangrove in the family Acanthaceae. In the Malay language it is known as Api Api Putih, "api" meaning "fire", referring to the fact that this mangrove attracts fireflies, and "putih" meaning "white", referring to the pale-coloured underside of the leaves. It is found growing in coastal and estuarine locations in India, south east Asia, Australia and Oceania.

Avicennia alba

Avicennia alba is a species of tropical mangrove in the family Acanthaceae. In the Malay language it is known as Api Api Putih, "api" meaning "fire", referring to the fact that this mangrove attracts fireflies, and "putih" meaning "white", referring to the pale-coloured underside of the leaves. It is found growing in coastal and estuarine locations in India, south east Asia, Australia and Oceania.