Bò lúc lắc

Bò Lúc Lắc (Sauté Diced Beef) is a cubed beef sauteed with cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, pepper, and soy sauce dish in French-inspired Vietnamese cuisine. The name derived from the shape of the beef, which is cut into small cubes the size of playing dice (hột lúc lắc) before being sauteed. Beef used to be a luxury ingredient in Vietnamese cuisine, therefore the dish is mostly served in formal events, such as wedding banquet and anniversaries.

Bò lúc lắc

Bò Lúc Lắc (Sauté Diced Beef) is a cubed beef sauteed with cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, pepper, and soy sauce dish in French-inspired Vietnamese cuisine. The name derived from the shape of the beef, which is cut into small cubes the size of playing dice (hột lúc lắc) before being sauteed. Beef used to be a luxury ingredient in Vietnamese cuisine, therefore the dish is mostly served in formal events, such as wedding banquet and anniversaries.