Baby Do You Wanna Bump

"Baby Do You Wanna Bump" is a song recorded by German record producer Frank Farian under the name Boney M. and included on the 1976 album Take the Heat off Me. It was the first Boney M. single and a minor hit in the Netherlands and Belgium, which prompted Farian to create a proper group to promote his studio project. In the United Kingdom the single was released by label Creole Records, but went unnoticed.

Baby Do You Wanna Bump

"Baby Do You Wanna Bump" is a song recorded by German record producer Frank Farian under the name Boney M. and included on the 1976 album Take the Heat off Me. It was the first Boney M. single and a minor hit in the Netherlands and Belgium, which prompted Farian to create a proper group to promote his studio project. In the United Kingdom the single was released by label Creole Records, but went unnoticed.