Balule Nature Reserve

Balule Nature Reserve is a protected area in Limpopo Province, South Africa which forms part of the Greater Kruger National Park as a member of the Associated Private Nature Reserves (APNR). As part of a wildlife conservation initiative, all fences separating APNR reserves - Balule, Timbavati, Klaserie, Umbabat, Grietjie Private Nature Reserve - and the Kruger National Park have been removed. The ecological benefits of this initiative has made the region a popular ecotourism destination and conservation efforts have ensured that the wildlife population includes all of the Big Five game: Lion, African elephant, African Buffalo, African leopard and white rhinoceros.

Balule Nature Reserve

Balule Nature Reserve is a protected area in Limpopo Province, South Africa which forms part of the Greater Kruger National Park as a member of the Associated Private Nature Reserves (APNR). As part of a wildlife conservation initiative, all fences separating APNR reserves - Balule, Timbavati, Klaserie, Umbabat, Grietjie Private Nature Reserve - and the Kruger National Park have been removed. The ecological benefits of this initiative has made the region a popular ecotourism destination and conservation efforts have ensured that the wildlife population includes all of the Big Five game: Lion, African elephant, African Buffalo, African leopard and white rhinoceros.