Barbro Stigsdotter

Barbro Stigsdotter (1472-1528), was a Swedish noble. She is famous for her part in the Vasasagan (Vasa Saga), the traditional national legend about the accession to the throne of King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. Barbro Stigsdotter was the daughter of Stig Hansson, a Vogt of the mine Jönshyttan in Tuna, and married the noble Arent Persson of Ornäs.

Barbro Stigsdotter

Barbro Stigsdotter (1472-1528), was a Swedish noble. She is famous for her part in the Vasasagan (Vasa Saga), the traditional national legend about the accession to the throne of King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. Barbro Stigsdotter was the daughter of Stig Hansson, a Vogt of the mine Jönshyttan in Tuna, and married the noble Arent Persson of Ornäs.