Battle Edge

Battle-Edge is a former field, located beside Sheep Street and Tanners Lane, in Burford in Oxfordshire, England where King Æthelbald of Mercia was defeated by King Cuthred of the West Saxons in 752 AD. Cuthred had been tributary to Ethelbald but, by winning the battle and taking the standard (a golden dragon), "threw off the Mercian yoke."

Battle Edge

Battle-Edge is a former field, located beside Sheep Street and Tanners Lane, in Burford in Oxfordshire, England where King Æthelbald of Mercia was defeated by King Cuthred of the West Saxons in 752 AD. Cuthred had been tributary to Ethelbald but, by winning the battle and taking the standard (a golden dragon), "threw off the Mercian yoke."